Sunday, October 29, 2006

Still Alive..... Still Jobless

We went out last night, as you do on a Saturday night. Funnily enough (for some at least), the bar was called 'The Sports Cafe'. The logo was even same.
Not so funny, I ended up going to hospital. Fortunately, I wasn't the one who was injured. I was down dancing with a couple of the guys and the rest were upstairs playing pool. Someone came and got me because Andrew (guy from Memphis, 'How y'all doing?') had "split his head open". From what I've been told he was sitting on the bar stool, I guess rocking on it, dancing to the music or something, and managed to go to far, fall over and hit his head on the corner of the pool table on the way down. He hadn't exactly 'split his head open' - he had a gash just above his eye, fairly deep, and him, the other Andrew (yes two, a little confusing sometimes) and one of the girls all had a fair amount of blood on them.

So there we were, sitting on the pavement outside, waiting for the ambulance to show up that the bouncer had called. Somewhere between half and hour and an hour we sat there. The cops came and went, determining they weren't needed. Eventually the ambulance was called again and we were told that 'it wasn't a priority'. Great.
So after sitting there for that long, we then had to somehow find a way to get him to the A&E - he definitely needed stitches. This proved much easier than we had anticipated, because as we were standing by the side of the road trying to figure out how we were going to do it, some guy driving past asked us what was going on and then gave us all a ride to the hospital, covered in blood and all. I still think that guy was unbelievably generous. We've got his business card so I guess Andrew will be buying him a very drinks some time in the future.

The rest of the night went predictably - sitting in the hospital waiting room for a few hours. Andrew obviously wasn't feeling too bad, despite appearing to be in a lot of pain - while lying on the hospital bed, needle going through his eyebrow, he starts trying to pick up the nurse. That part was rather amusing.

As for the jobs - still don't have one. I've turned down a couple of month-low temp things because I wanted to keep myself available for a proper position. I'm hoping I don't regret that. I have a "proper", "real" interview on Tuesday morning, complete with psychometric testing. At the moment, all my hopes are riding firmly on that. Riding bareback, over mountains perhaps, but riding on that all the same. All goes well and by the end of the week I'll be in a much different position than now, and can really start enjoying my time here.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Job Hunting

Still looking for a job...
I have had a number of phone calls this morning, as well as some in the previous days as well, but so far that's as far as it has gone.
I'm a little confused, because two or three people have told me they will send me job descriptions but none have arrived. I don't quite know what to make of that.

Incidentally, I did a number of tests this morning as a pre-requisite for getting some temp work [to fill in the time, and earn money for the first time in 3 months, until I get a 'proper' job]. Apparently my typing speed is 55 words a minute, however I feel that I could do much better than that. I wasn't typing nearly as fast as I can, mainly because I kept making mistakes even at the lower speed. Personally, I blame the keyboard. It just didn't feel right. I'm not sure what it was. I'm sure on my laptop, or some other keyboard, I could get a better score.
Oh, and I got 96% (29/30) in the spelling test. I'm curious to know which word I got wrong.

I can actually upload some photos - there's an unsecured wireless connection I can access from my hostel room. I might get around to doing that later today. I actually had a day (Friday) where it was sunny for a couple of hours. Shocking!! - Although this was after it had rained in the morning.

On London, fortunately many of the museums are free, so I don't have to go around the whole thing in one go. I've been to the British Museum, the National Portrait Gallery, the Tate Modern, about half of the Natural History Museum, about half of the National Gallery (some Ralphael and Da Vinci pictures in there), briefly went into the Science museum - they've got a section on 'The History of the Computer'.

Yeap, a lot of museums. I have 'seen' all the big sites as well - I did the South Bank walk, starting at Westminister Bridge (I didn't see the Abbey though... ?).
This goes past Big Ben, Parliament (saw 10 Downing Street), London Eye, a bunch of other things I don't remember, Shakepeare's Globe, some markets, HMS Belfast, Tower Bridge and Tower of London. I didn't go into any of the places (other than the Tate Modern along the way) because they are all £10+ to enter. I'll consider going back and doing them once I have a job.

I'm a little bored of museums right now. I need to find something else to do instead. I went for a run through Hyde park on Sunday, in the rain. Funny how I didn't get around to running nearly as much as I should have while in San Jose where it doesn't rain at all for 5 months of the year, and instead go running while in London, where it seems to rain every day of the year.

Rather long rant about nothing in particular. I have to find somewhere else to live soon. I'm paid until Saturday morning, but then the hostel (so the girl says) is booked full. I could just go to another hostel but I probably should look at something a little more.

Oh and things are so expensive! Did I say that in the first post? Prices are kind of similar, until you double it to get dollars. That's why I really need to start earning pounds.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

London Baby!!!

That's right. I am now in London. I arrived yesterday. I now have to find a job...

Ok, so it's been well over a year since I wrote anything on here. Quite frankly I didn't care to tell you all about what I was doing. ;)
I might try and write more frequently here, but I think I'll take Duncan's suggestion and just do a 'yeap, still alive' type message, rather than trying to write about all the incredibly exciting things I have been doing.

On that note, I haven't actually gone to any 'tourist attractions' yet. Mostly because yesterday I couldn't be arsed doing any of that stuff, and today I've been taking my time getting there. And the fact that a number of them are £15 or more...

The flight sucked. No personal screen. Only the main screen at the front to look at. Fortunately my laptop provided a few hours of CivIV entertainment. The sudoku book was cheap, but all the puzzles I have done so far took under 5 minutes; so not particularly challenging.

So there's an update for you. Now I'm off to do something more interesting.