Monday, January 22, 2007

In Bed, really should be going to sleep

Presently, I am lying in bed. I have just finished making it.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

3 Months

This post was a highly exciting, incredibly thoughtful insight into the minds of Londoners, with a passing mention of the fact that the day on which I was writing (18/01) was three months since I arrived in London, however something was buggy with Blogger so all I got was an empty post.
I won't be writing it out again, especially since there is something *Even more * interesting to discuss. (Surely I must be joking)

Sunday, January 14, 2007

More of the same

I don't have anything really interesting to add at the moment. When I have the time, and the capacity, to write whenever I want I may start to talk about my general thoughts on things (Oh god no! Not another one of those...) rather than just 'what I've been doing', but if that does happen (likelihood questionable) it will be some time from now.

I'm going to the Czech Republic at the end of the month with some of Stefan's friends from Germany (although Stefan isn't going). I would have said "I'm going skiing in the Czech Republic at...", but from all accounts at the moment it seems unlikely that there is going to be any snow. Which will make the trip somewhat less exciting, however I'm sure we'll still have a good time.

I'm going to be working on the same project (or at least, another incarntation of it) until at least some time in mid-February. It was kind of predictable, since they need the people and I now have the experience doing it... Whatever.

Still looking for a flat. The problem with London is, all the good, nice places that are available (turns out they do exist) have at least 30 other people wanting them too...
I'll keep looking. I can stick it out until I find "the right place".

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Back in London Again

I'm back in London now, and have already been to work for a day.

My bag did finally show up that evening, the 27th of December. Hurray.... However, now I have to deal with BA and trying to get the money back for the things I had to buy while my bag was lost.
I found out that I wasn't the only person affected though - apparently there were Mountains of bags sitting around at Heathrow over Christmas. All those people without their clothes and their Christmas presents for that time. In the paper on about the 20th December they were discussing the Fog disruptions and how much it was expected to cost BA. I have a feeling that due to the way the whole thing has been handled it will cost BA a lot more than they estimated. Whatever. we'll see if they can redeem themselves.

Aside from all the flight and bag problems, Germany was really nice. We (on separate planes) flew into Hamburg on the 23rd, spent the night at Andreas' house then drove (got a ride) to Neubrandenburg to Stefan's mother's place. That was the 24th, which is really the main 'Christmas day' in Germany, so some of his family came around and we had lunch, opened presents and played games. It was a nice, cosy, Christmas.
I've already mentioned what happened on the 25th. I don't think I need to elaborate on that right now.
On the 27th [I think, I'm a little confused by the dates at the moment] we drove to Rostock (Stefan's University) at stayed in one of his friends' rooms while he was away. We were there from the 27th until early afternoon on the 31st, and there was drinking of some sort every day. In fact, that would probably be true for the whole time I was in Germany.
I believe that first night in Rostock we went to the "Student Cellar", which was a reasonable place but not particularly exciting.
Stefan was feeling "not well" (cold) at this point so he didn't want to go out to clubs because of the effect the smoke would have on him. Instead, in the evenings for the next two days he went home and I went out with his friends.

Saturday night (30th) was a 'quiet' night at home playing games because everyone was resting for the 31st. We played a german boardgame called 'Settler' .... which I ended up winning, and then a couple of rounds of poker, the second of which we each bet £1, which I also ended up winning (HA!)

31st was spent at a friend's house, group of about eight or nine of us. Drinking, eating, letting off fireworks at midnight and then more games (Definitely seems to be a German thing to play games, much more so than in NZ). Got home at about 5am.

1st of January was basically a recovery day. Stefan did some things at home, I sat and read mostly. I did finally manage to go for a run on the 1st. First real exercise I had done for a couple of weeks. I could feel all that beer and chocolate in my blood. In the evening (at about 7 or 8pm) we drove back to Rostock and spent most of the next day there.

That night (Tuesday 2nd) we drove to Hamburg to another friend's place. We left in the evening because we were supposed to pick up Richard from the airport in the morning, BUT HE DIDN'T show up. Damn Brazilians...

On the 3rd, my last night in Germany, we went out to the 'Reeperbahn', the red-light district in Hamburg, because the clubs are there, of course. Stefan warned me to be 'on-guard' for people trying to drag me into 'certain places', but we didn't really seem to have a problem with it. He did mention at the start of the night that we would go and stand and look at the girls in the window or something, but that didn't happen. Ah, it was kind of a quiet night, despite where we were, basically because everyone was still away with the holidays.

And.... that would make it the 4th, the day I left.

So what else did I do in Germany? Other than the drinking.
When would that be?
During the day, in the time between the clubs closing in the morning and opening again in the Evening.
Oh yes, right, I get you. Um..... We went to look at a few castles, went to a church or two, went to the lake, went... and looked at the town once or twice. I'm not entirely sure. My memory seems to be kind of hazy about the details.

This is getting rather long.
Ok, what am I doing now? Like I said, back to work. Lots of fun. Now that New Year's is over, I'm going to make a more dedicated attempt at finding a place to live. It will be good to find a proper place, but it's just so much easier not to.

I have to look at cheap flights that I can get in the weekends to places nearby. Unfortunately (as we all know) Friday and Sunday are the most expensive days to fly, and £150 just for the flights for 2-3 days seems like quite a bit of money to spend.