In the weeks leading up to the trip, I had been looking at the weather forecasts, hoping to hear there had been snow. There hadn't been any snow for weeks. As it turned out (as you can see below), it all worked out. It had finally snowed a day or two before we left, and continued to snow the whole time I was there.
I flew into Prague, took a bus from the airport to the Metro station, the Metro across the other side of town to Inter-city bus station, took a bus from there to a town called Liberec, where I finally met the other guys, then finally a train from there to where we were staying - Smzvorka. I had everything worked out, except in Liberec getting from the Bus station to the train station. I had tried looking it up but I had found no clues about where the two where in reference to each other. As it turned out, with a little bit of German, it was pretty straight forward - the train station was more or less over the road from the bus station. If they were on the other side of town, like in Prague, I might have had some problems...
The point of the trip - The snowboarding - [or was the point the drinking?] I only had two days on the slopes. Saturday was spent travelling, Sunday and Monday snowboarding, and then Monday we (eventually) headed into Prague. On Sunday there was a reasonable amount of snow, but it was a little icy. On Monday morning, despite the fact that it had been snowing all night, there was hardly any snow on the roads around where we were staying. Despite that, the slopes were actually reasonably nice, better than the previous day.
Czech Beer is reasonably good. Even better when it's $0.50 a bottle.
I'll post some photos of Prague some other time.

When I stepped off the plane, it became apparent that the concerns about the snowfall were probably not going to materialise. Prague was completely covered with snow, and not the superficial layer we had got in London a few days previous, but proper snowfall. Incidentially, this was the first time I had ever been in a real city properly covered in snow (Tahoe doesn't count)

I was attempting to demonstrate the depth of the snow by the side of the road, but you can't see the depth in the photo. The hole was made by my foot; the snow went past my knee.

My first ever, "real" snow-ah-person. The 'extra' additions aren't something I would normally do (of course), but it was a joke alluding to the previous evening. I did like making the snowballs, though.