Saturday, December 02, 2006

6 weeks on, what do I have to say about London?

Um.... I'm not really sure. I still don't have a place to live, but on the other hand I haven't really been looking for the last few weeks. I haven't really had the time to worry about it, nor did I have the money. I got paid finally on Thursday, so now I finally have money to spend. However, I'm going to try and avoid spending as much as possible because a) I don't earn that much really and spending money here seems not an unwise thing to do b) the thought that £1 is basically NZ$3, or that £20 is NZ$60 makes me not want to buy anything here at all. Every pound I save here is worth 3 times as much in NZ. Every pound I spend is $3 I could have saved.
That said, I'm still going to enjoy myself when I can. I'm going to visit Stefan for Christmas, which I'm looking forward to, and I will take advantage of the cheap flights to a number of cities around Europe during the next year.

I was saying today that (at the moment at least) my lifestyle in San Jose was so much nicer than it is here. It definitely was a relaxed time. I might have to consider making my way back there at some point...

Went for a run today. In fact, I even managed to go for a run on Wednesday night. That was good, but I don't expect I'll be able to keep doing that, especially with Winter steadily approaching. It's quite frustrating not being able to do anything during the week. Really the only chance I have to exercise is in the weekends.

It's Saturday night but I don't really feeling like going out. I think that Andrew and I are just going to end up sitting around at the hostel, watching a movie, drinking, whatever. It might sound like I am depressed. I'm not depressed. I don't get depressed. I am simply feeling rather apathetic. But then again, I was reasonably apathetic to begin with so I don't really consider it much of a change.

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